The AGM of the club will be held on Friday 11th December at 7.30 pm.
Due to COVID19 restrictions we are limited to gatherings of 15 people and therefore this AGM will be a combination of a physical meeting and a Zoom conference. The Commodore, the Honorary Treasurer and Andrew Corkill (acting as Secretary) along with up to 12 others will be in attendance in a socially distanced environment in the clubhouse. If you wish to attend in person you must notify the committee in advance in order that we can adhere to this restriction. The Zoom meeting ID is 752 844 9668, and the line will open around 7:20 pm, so please join early so we can get started promptly at half past AGENDA 1. Apologies. 2. Commodore’s Report on the business of the Executive Committee. 3. Hon Treasurer’s Report on Club’s finance. Following the Hon Treasurer’s Report, the Commodore will vacate the chair and a representative of the Trustees will chair the meeting for the next two items 4. Election of Club Officers. 5. Election of members of the Executive Committee. 6. Approval of proposed subscriptions for next year. 7. Consider proposals received 8..Any other business competent to the Annual General Meeting. The proposals received for Committee can be viewed here. In accordance with the club rules the accounts have been posted on the club noticeboard. These accounts will also be circulated by email in advance of the meeting The following proposals have been received prior to 31 October. Proposal 1: To amend wording of the Rules and Constitution, section 6i - Women’s Officer to: i. Women’s Officer
Proposed: Stephanie Corkill Seconded: Andrew Corkill Proposal 2: Rule 8 to be amended to include the following category of membership: m. Corporate Members. May be admitted to the Club and operate commercial activities on such terms or conditions as shall be acceptable to both parties. Corporate Members do not carry any voting rights. Proposed: Brian Andrews Seconded: Andrew Corkill |
December 2024
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